Plant your seed

Are you ready

to create your


A small action can have a big impact.

Seed of Innovation
Seed of Innovation


Seed of Innovation


It grows in the soil of solutions and opportunities.

Its DNA has the new ideas that change the future.

If you like to propose changes and solutions, and you believe that there is always room for improvement, this is your seed.

Seed of Unity
Seed of Unity


Seed of Unity

Seed of UNITY

It grows in the soil of collaboration and teamwork.

Its DNA has the projects that help us improve as a team, business, and society.

If you care about those around you and think that your actions can make someone’s life better, this is your seed.

Seed of Sustainability
Seed of Sustainability


Seed of Sustainability

Seed of Sustainability

It grows in fertile and global soil.

Its DNA has initiatives to shape a better world, satisfying present needs without compromising the needs of future generations. 

If you think that we should all think and act about the future of coming generations, if you respect our planet, if you don’t like generating unnecessary waste, this is your seed.

Seed of Innovation
Francisco Ramírez - Seed of Innovation

Francisco Ramírez

I planted

I am committed to reinventing the way I do retail in my business venture, in two years max.

Seed of Innovation
Seed of Sustainability
Ronaldo Vargas - Seed of Innovation

Ronaldo Vargas

I planted

I am committed to investing in my future and study a career in business administration or finance, starting in 2021.

Seed of Sustainability
Seed of Unity
Lesly Rodriguez - Seed of Innovation

Lesly Rodríguez

I planted

I am committed to learn and tell the story of the company to five people before the end of the year.

Seed of Unity
Seed of Sustainability
Jose Cedeño - Seed of Innovation

Jose Ramón Cedeño

I planted

I am committed to rescuing street animals and have an animal rescue foundation by 2022.

Seed of Sustainability